Boardroom | AI-Powered Cyber Defense: Detect, Respond, and Remediate 
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Jason Elrod Jeff Urnaza

Perimeter defenses are nothing new, and when it comes to cybercriminals and ransomware purveyors, they’re getting better at evading defenses. Once they’ve gotten in, they’re hiding in network blind spots, operating using encrypted traffic and targeting cloud workloads. What if you could turn this behavior to your advantage? During this collaborative discussion, local security executives discuss how to use these attackers’ strengths against them and how SOC teams can proactively hunt for attackers. Topics include: 

  • How network packet data is the best way to detect early signs of compromise 
  • Why complex network infrastructure gives attackers more places to hide  
  • How network detection and response (NDR) tools are the best to fight ransomware